May God keep this miserable sinner sane and healthy in His service!!! May the Extraordinary Form of the Mass be preserved forever and seen everywhere.
31 March 2009
Gateway Pundit: Dirty Politics... Dems Blamed For Fake GOP "Impeach Sanford" Signs In South Carolina
30 March 2009
29 March 2009
Copy and Paste job from "The Curt Jester"

On Thursday Hillary Clinton visited the Virgin of Guadeloupe's Basilica in Mexico City Mexican and is seen here with Monsignor Diego Monroy.

On Friday she is given an award by Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards for her work with women's health issues protecting abortion. The award is called the Maggie named after racist-eugenicist Margaret Sanger.
Quite a transition from visiting the miraculous painting that has become so iconic for the pro-life movement where so often a painting bearing this image is carried during pro-life marches and then to receive an award that is the total antithesis of the pro-life movement.
It also looks like she was not given any information about Our lady of Guadeloupe before visiting the Basilica.
After observing it for a while, Mrs. Clinton asked "who painted it?" to which Msgr. Monroy responded "God!" Reference
Our lady of Guadeloupe pray for us.
27 March 2009
An Anti-Catholic Administration????
To support my anti-Catholic corollary of Rush's masterfull thesis, I have provided a link to an article found a The Catholic Thing. This article is compelling for if true, and I do not doubt that it is, the Deceiver in Chief is trying to silence all Catholic opposition to his plans. This article outlines an attempt, by an unknown and misguided Republican doing the bidding of the Commie in Chief, to force the Holy See into silencing His Excellency Archbishop Raymond Burke. This coupled with the intimidation tactics of Frank and Reid are definitely part of the same game plan.
Here is the address for you to cut and paste into your server- still working out how to link properly in cases like this!!!
Friday, 27 March 2008
Then, on the secular front, we have the latest power grab by the tax cheat frontman for the Communist in Chief. Remeber the howls of outrage with the bailout/TARP bill giving then Treasury Secreatary Paulson unprecedented powers? Why isn't the press howling in otrage over this? (Sorry- I forgot myself there- they are in the stands cheering this on, since they helped give us this mess in the first place) How about that Hitler Youth bill? It passed the Senate, with only 19 dissenting votes (Yes, I know the offending passage was removed by the House, but it can magically reappear at the conference to reconcile the House and Senate versions- if not then, it will reappear in other legislation before the year is out)
The one bright spot was the MEP Daniel Hannan. What a courageous, principled man. He is very much in shock at the interest his statements have made. Why can't our politicians represent us in this manner? Where is our "Daniel Hannan"?
On the family front, Geoff is back in Ohio, same hotel and the same room!!! We expect to rejoin him next week, and then back to NY for Easter. We apparently will NOT be moving before May, so it looks like two more months of hotel living for us. Thank heavens for the pool, and our dvd player.
26 March 2009
25 March 2009
Feast of the Annunciation
Bad, Bad Blogger!!!!!
I have posted several links to Gateway Pundit below, in accordance with my being a charter member of the loyal opposition to the destruction of America by the Communist in Chief. My excuses are secular- am busy getting Geoff ready to return to Ohio tomorrow, recovering from a bout of bronchitis, and my books from Amazon have arrived (Madame Royale and Trianon!!!!) I pray that Gateway Pundit and my readers absolve me of the sin of sloth.
24 March 2009
"Trickle up poverty"
To those who voted for this, J'accuse!!!! By your act of voting, you have undermined the greatness of this country. By your selfishness you have betrayed her. May God have mercy on your souls. You are reaping what you have sown- enjoy its galling taste.
Gateway Pundit: O'Reilly Blasts "Evil" Far Left Blogs For Attacking Rape Victim Alexa Branchini (Video)
Sometimes the truth hurts, doesn't it, left wingers? At least the conservatives, and I do not count Mr. O'Reilly as one, do what is right by the victims of violent crime, instead of infantilizing and glorifying the actions of the guilty amoral perpetrators.
Gateway Pundit: House Passes Hitler Youth Bill
How can the Dems and TOTUS claim that their programs aren't socialism, when they are passing bills that emulate what the Nazis, who were socialists, did?
23 March 2009
American Papist: Not Your Average Catholic!: Aux. Bishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Diego appointed to Oakland
Looks like a great pcik for a bishopric in California!!!
Gateway Pundit: Democrook Watch: Dodd's Wife Is a Former Director of Bermuda-Based AIG Controlled Company
Democrats are so much more corrupt than previously thought- could it be genetic or something in the water that they drink or in the air that they breathe?
21 March 2009
Tea at Trianon: When the House is a Mess
OUCH, so true!!!! And I don't have the additional reason of children- for whatever reason, God has not blessed us with any1!!
19 March 2009
Happy St. Jospeh's Day!!!!
18 March 2009
Great restaurant chain for Lent
16 March 2009
A New Day in Ohio!!!!
05 March 2009
A Fresh Perspective on the Democrat Assault on Rush
04 March 2009
Gateway Pundit: El-Rushbo Challenges Unicorn Rider to Radio Debate
Another great link concerning the latest attempt by the Socialist in Chief to diminish political discourse in this country!! Rush calls him out for a public debate in accordance with their notions of "fairness" !!!! (Also see my earlier post with respect to the cut and paste link to The Ancoress)
Rush Limbaugh hits another one out of the park, and hits another nerve!!!
Domine, da mihi hanc aquam!: Rebels Without a Clue
Domine, da mihi hanc aquam!: Rebels Without a Clue
03 March 2009
This moral morass known as America
Rush Limbaugh, an American Hero and an American Icon
He is busy with CSX as a management trainee for Signals, and we have now been placed in our first assignment. Yes, we are returning to Ohio, where Geoff will be running the hump yard in Willard, Ohio!!! He is very excited, as am I. He leaves tomorrow to meet with his new boss, and then comes back to New York to get me and our dachsie, Ginger. (The cats will follow later once we have a permanent address- don't fret, they are staying with my inlaws!!!) This means that the belongings in storage for the last two years will again see the light of day, and we will be buying a house in Ohio!!!! We had only just arrived back Saturday night late, and while we knew that we would be moving to Ohio, did not expect it to be the very next week. We still have to return to New York to move out of the apartment, but all things in God's time. Am still woozy thinking of these turn of events.
We will be joining the Parish of St. Joseph in Toledo, where the TLM is celebrated every Sunday. What a glorious church this is!!! The pastor is new but what a priest!!!! While in Ohio, we attended Mass there and at Holy Rosary in Dayton , which has the TLM thanks to the FSSP. That church is aso spectacular, complete with baldachino. I have never attended Mass celebrated by a priest of the FSSP, but wow is all that can be said. I love being Catholic and having the TLM!!!!
With regard to the last two months events- The Holy Father is of course correct in lifting the excommunications of the SSPX bishops, period. The other stuff has nothing to do with canon law, and is just fodder for the Church's enemies.